Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cheese & Carrot Biscuits... For Humans!

Continuing on with the carrot marathon, with everything I make I'm always thinking of how to incorporate carrots.  I was sick last week so everything I ate tasted like nothing and, of course, that's when I get cravings for the unhealthiest food, so desperate am I to get some flavor through my lips.  Finally I felt well enough to make fried chicken and what goes better with fried chicken than biscuits?  Yum!

So I searched for a Carrot & Cheese Biscuits recipe.  Apparently, it's a very popular doggie treat.  I couldn't find a recipe for human consumption!  That was kind of embarrassing-- was my experimental concoction too weird for people to eat?

I decided just to add carrots to a good biscuits recipe instead.  I found this Gastronomer Blog recipe and thought it was simple enough since it doesn't require buttermilk (which I don't stock) or shortening (which I'd run out of).  Gastronomer's post was an attempt to uncover the secret to Jim 'N Nick's Cheese Biscuits.  According to others, I don't think he succeeded but having never had them, I think these are quite tasty anyway.  I simply added one cup of grated carrots.  I slightly steamed them too, just because I happened to be simmering a pot of stock nearby.  Instead of using milk, which I rarely keep, I used rice milk which I believe made them a bit sweeter but possibly rise a little less.  That didn't bother me too much though, because I didn't have my muffin pan at the time either and just laid globs of dough on aluminum foil.  Looks aren't what I'm going for; taste is. 

Wow it was delicious.  Like, wow.  The small pieces of carrot added such a crunch and extra sweetness, so much that they could have been dessert.  They pop while you chew, much like corn.  Maybe I'll add cooked corn to the batter next time too and lower the sugar a bit.  I really recommend this special colorful crunchy twist!  My boyfriend kept repeating how good they were and his bread:meat ratio was way off.  Hey, more chicken for me!

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