Saturday, March 12, 2011

Eggplant Sandwich-- you won't even miss meat!

This recipe basically combines eggplant and all of its complementary partners squeezed into a sandwich.  It leaves out Parmesan, one of the best partners to the eggplant, but the sandwich is great with or without it.  The feta does a fine job of providing the extra creamy saltiness and sourness.

The eggplant is cooked just like in my last post (8-10 minutes in a broiling oven) making it fantastically simple.  After that it's just assembly with the eggplant slices, tomato, feta cheese and basil leaves.  If mayo isn't your thing, leave it out but I'd definitely squeeze a good fresh garlic taste somewhere in the sandwich.  I'd like to try experimenting with garlic-infused oil or balsamic vinegar to slather on next time.

Even my boyfriend, who's not a fan of feta cheese, likes this combination of flavors.  It's a great alternative to meat, especially if you want to provide your vegetarian friends something that's so yummy (and you may even find your carnivorous friends sneaking some of these too!).  

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