Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring Garden!

In my very first post, I wrote about my goal to improve my garden.  I finally now am reporting back to you.  Ever the dissatisfied, I wish I could show you more and better images, but I am still quite proud of the garden I have now.  On the left you'll see some lettuce, snow peas, arugula, kale and aloe vera.

Below you can see four strawberry plants, mini-roses, a blueberry bush, a few baby cherry tomato plants and more lettuce. 
Not pictured, I have carrots, giant sunflowers (to eat, of course), some herbs and an artichoke plant, my pride and joy.

I saw a huge artichoke plant on my walk the other day.  It's this giant plant, hunkered in someone's front yard!  They missed the boat on the harvest, which is such a shame.  Large, organic artichokes are so valuable-- don't they know what they have?!  Ah well.  You can be sure when mine grows I'll definitely be harvesting it for a fine dinner. 

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